



赌博游戏网站 校园安全 is responsible for the safety and 安全 of the campus community. 校园安全; provided by Synergy Security 服务, 有限责任公司, strives to provide a safe and secure environment while providing excellent customer service. They conduct patrols throughout the entire campus to include outline Coker properties and is available to assist the Coker community on a 24-hour basis. They are available to assist residents in reporting thefts, accidents, and fires. Additional services include providing emergency medical assistance, and late night escorts. 他们的办公室位于东卡罗莱纳大道307号. Coker officers do not have arrest powers; however, 他们与哈茨维尔警察局合作密切.

Security can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 843-383-8140 (on-campus extension: 8140).

Officers are trained in first-aid, CPR, and the use of the defibrillator.


赌博游戏网站 is an amazing and beautiful place made up of truly special and talented students and scholars. 校园是一个很小的, 邀请, 以及紧密的社区, 但是我们面临着和全国其他学校一样的挑战. 安全, 安全, 和每个活着的人的福利, 作品, 并参观了科克, 你的福利, 是我最关心的.

The dedicated staff of the Office of 校园安全 and Security are here to assist you and our community in every way, 但校园安全是我们共同的责任. 通过与校园安全的成员合作, 睁大你的眼睛, 采取基本预防措施, 使用good, 正确的判断, 我们都可以得到最安全的体验.

I look forward to 工作ing with the entire Coker Community in making campus a safe and enjoyable place to live, 工作, 研究, 玩, 和访问. 你的合作对我们的成功至关重要, and I encourage you to make yourself familiar with the 校园安全 web pages and the information contained within.





It is the mission of 赌博游戏网站 校园安全 to enhance the quality of life at 赌博游戏网站 by providing a safe and secure environment that is conducive to learning, and is consistent with the educational goals of this diverse institution, 同时建立促进信任的社区伙伴关系, 相互尊重, 与合作. 赌博游戏网站 校园安全 strives to accomplish its mission while adhering to its core values of Professionalism, 完整性, 沟通, 服务, 尊重, 忠诚与责任.

为了完成这个使命, 校园安全 supervision is dedicated to providing a quality 工作 environment and the development of its officers through continued training and supportive leadership. Achievement of this mission requires continuous training of campus safety officers, 频繁的绩效重新评估, 巡逻执法技术、策略及合作, 整个校园社区的合作与支持.


你的安全对我们至关重要. 下面我们将学习如何在危险情况下保持安全.


飓风季节从6月1日持续到11月30日. Please use the following guidelines to prepare for a hurricane and the potential for severe weather and conditions.




需要一张停车证,或者一把新钥匙? 你就在你该去的地方.


The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to report campus crime data, 支持暴力受害者, and publicly outline the policies and procedures they have put into place to improve campus safety.

Be part of our community, as we 工作 together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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